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What Glass Bottle Colors Are Used for Light-Sensitive Products

2024-08-31 10:29:47
What Glass Bottle Colors Are Used for Light-Sensitive Products

Why The Color of Glass Bottles Matters to Photosensitive Formulas

Diffrent type of Glass Bottles using in chemical and if you are looking to coloring the glass you can also have option for colroing naturally just like Eternal Purple or Blue Cobalt])] Read more Medicines, food supplements, beverages and cosmetic items can deteriorate once exposed to light. The color of the glass bottle for our skin refers to preventing or cutting down on exposure light. If you know anything about light-sensitive products, two common glass bottle colors are important for our discussion.

Amber Glass Bottles

The amber glass color is a popular option because it helps to protect light-sensitive products. The characteristic amber colour of these bottles acts as a barrier that restricts the ultraviolet and blue light from entering in, which may change the chemical nature and damage medicines specification, vitamins components & other such light-sensitive goods. Very little UV light is able to pass through amber glass bottles, as much as 90% of it depending on the thickness.

Benefits Of Amber Glass Bottles

Protection: Amber glass bottles protect against ultraviolet (UV) and blue light, which can degrade products in both the short-term and long-term.

Amber Glass Bottle: Its antioxidants slow down rancidity, keeping food good for a longer period without requiring any preservatives or additives;

Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles

In the same manner, cobalt blue glass bottles are used to protect light-sensitive substances from harmful ultraviolet rays. How the cobalt blue color blocks light (up to 90%) without affecting the contentsWhether you use it for essential oils or pharmaceutical productsLike these ones here.

Cobalt Blue Glass Bottles Features:

Protection - Cobalt blue glass bottles are non-reactive and they help maintain the integrity of light-sensitive products over time.

Cosmetic: Cobalt blue bottles accentuate your offerings with the sophisticated deep-blue look in addition to their shield-like properties.

Correct color choiceHere is where issues such as the right for light-sensitive products like medicines, food supplements drinks and cosmetics plays a major role when safeguarding qualitative or performative qualities are concerned. With the insight into how glass bottle colors protect light-sensitive articles, manufacturers and consumer will know what to look for in their choices so as not to jeopardize product lifespan or effectiveness.